Sunday, February 17, 2013

Marriage: love is not an assignment for the coward.

Jeff and I went to a marriage conference last night. We don't usually do that sort of thing, and we did not stay very long last night. As a matter of fact we only were there for about an hour. We heard some good things during that hour, and I will share.


1.  The greatest reason marriages fall apart is SELFISHNESS . We make choices without thinking what it will do to our children and our spouse.

2.  Spend time counseling with your spouse.  Make a list of what you need from your spouse, then talk about it and revisit it regularly.  Also, make a list of what you already receive for your spou and revisit it regularly.

3.  When you feel like "what am I doing here?" Remember, this is what you signed on for.  To be all in...  You made sacred covenants to do so.

4.  Five points to ponder.
     A.  Make peace with what you cannot change.
     B.  keep the commandments.  Be 100% in.
     C.  Don't take offense.  Develop a thicker skin.
     D.  Speak hope.  The best is yet to come...  In a world of negativity.
     E.  Take no time for contention.  Be a person who won't let your tongue deride, be critical, be nasty or negative.

5.  Marriage:  The ultimate test is to learn how to connect, love and care for your spouse.  The one person in all the world that you found and wound up with. This is the "step" (connect, love, and care) that will help us reach celestial glory.

6.  Live the gospel and The Lord will insulate and protect your family .

7.  Be good to yourself.  It is a delightful journey to get to that place.

8.  There was a young couple who married and the wife put a box on a closet shelf and told her husband to never look in the box. He did not, for years and years.  Finally. In their old age he took the box down and asked her if he could look inside.  She said yes.  Inside, to his shock, he found two handmade doilies and $25,000.  She explained.  Every time she was upset with him she made a doily.  He was amazed that she only made two doilies in all those years.  But, that did not explain the money.  She said, "That is the money I have made selling all the doilies I made over the years."